
Media presence:
Please also visit my homepages:
https://www.contemporary-bookart.de and
You can also follow my artistic work on Instagram.
You can find my account at
I would be very happy about your visit.


New exhibition of artists' books 2024:

From 15.11. - 17.11.2024 I will be back with my stand in the Lyrik Kabinett in Munich, Amalienstraße 83 a at the buchkunsttagen. New book art & printmaking.

I am already looking forward to your visit and the many conversations with you.


 Last exhibition of artists' books 2024:

At the Museum der Arbeit,
in Hamburg, Wiesendamm 3
at the
BuchDruckKunst 2024
Exquisite works on paper
in the time from
05.04. - 07.04.2024.

Many thanks to all visitors for the many conversations, to the organizers of BuchDruckKunst 2024 at the Museum der Arbeit for the smooth running of the fair, and to NDR for filming my stand for the Hamburg Journal at the beginning of the fair.

Here you will find a series of short promotional films for artists' books.