Book Art Worlds latest edition

Issue 10/2024 "S´ist wieder Krieg"

The planning for my artist's book began in the middle or end of January 2024. When a book like this is planned, chance, which is a decisive value in a work like this, becomes apparent again and again during the design process. It's a development that can't be predicted, but I still plan the book intensively. The title “It's war again” sounds like a casual, bored mention. It's this powerlessness, this paralysis, but also this fear that resonates it could happen to any of us.

Artists' books are like deep dreams. You can immerse yourself in them and discover new worlds for yourself. Artists' books broaden your own horizons when you create and read them. They open our eyes to new spaces that lie dormant within us, spaces that we have not yet touched.

As always, you can read more about the new artist's book in the free magazine "Buchkunstwelten" (free download).

Link: Download the free magazine "Buchkunstwelten"

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Issue 04/2024 "Funfair"

The funfair is always a place of longing for children. My new artist's book is called "Kirmes".

This time, the book presentation of my artist's book "Kirmes" took place in Hamburg at the Museum der Arbeit. It was a great pleasure for me to watch how a slight turning movement of the carousel enchanted the people at my stand and a smile appeared on their faces. Many thanks to all visitors for the many conversations, to the organizers of BuchDruckKunst 2024 at the Museum der Arbeit for the smooth running of the fair, and to NDR for filming my stand for the Hamburg Journal at the beginning of the fair.

As always, you can read more about the new artist's book in the free magazine "Buchkunstwelten" (free download).

Link: Download the free magazine "Buchkunstwelten"

Link: To the mail address


Issue 05/2023 "The dance".

"The dance".

Once again I was able to complete a new work. I have been interested in dance ever since I learned to dance. Translating musical poetry into movement is the fascinating thing about dance. Anyone who dances has to be completely in the now. This is the only way to merge with and surrender to the music.

Dance makes it possible to reproduce every human experience, i.e. to transform it into movement.

Gerd J. Wunderer

As always, you can read more about the new artist's book in the free magazine "Buchkunstwelten" (free download).

Link: Download the free magazine "Buchkunstwelten"

Link: To the mail address


Further issues of Buchkunstwelten under Downloads


Ausgabe 03/2023 " The Barque of Life ".

„The Barque of Life“.

It was a visit to the harbour city of Genoa that gave me the idea of creating an artist's book with the title "The Barque of Life".
The brilliant idea came to me in a café in Via Garibaldi. There, in an adjoining room, hung a small barque made of brass. This work gave me the inspiration for the new book title. Life in all ist its ups and downs was repeatedly defined as a defined as a journey, in my case as a sea voyage.

As always, you can read more about and about the new artist's book in the free magazine "Buchkunstwelten" (free download).

Link: Download the free magazine "Buchkunstwelten".
link: To the mail address

Further issues of Buchkunstwelten under Downloads


Issue 02/2023 "Longing for spring".

"Longing for Spring".

It's that time again, a new artist's book has been created in my studio.

It has become a symbol for the coming spring. It contains the longing waiting for the first messengers of spring. These are the first flowers making their way through the snow cover, the first insects flying through the air, the migratory birds flying north again, for they all sense the change much earlier than we do. They sense that things are looking up again. What hope for us humans and for all of nature.

As always, you can read more about and about the new artist's book in the free magazine "Buchkunstwelten" (free download).

Link: Download the free magazine "Buchkunstwelten".

Link: To the mail address

Further issues of Buchkunstwelten under Downloads


"Lifelines - Franziska de Paly - 1879-1964"


Once again an extensive artistic work has come to its final conclusion. In mid-June 2022, I had the idea to deal with the exciting life of my grandmother. This examination led me to look at her life year by year and to place it in the respective political environment, or rather, which inventions and discoveries were made during this time.

During the artistic work, in addition to the artist's book and the film for the book, a completely different, completely new, special idea crystallised. I wanted to take up a completely different artistic dimension. Paper sculptures were to become the basis for a film in the form of a concertante, digital opera, arranged in a modern paper theatre. The basis for the plot and the stage design is the artist's book Lebenslinien that was created. Which can also be experienced three-dimensionally through its transformation into paper sculptures.

The title of my new artist's book is: "Lifelines - Franziska de Paly - 1879-1964".


Link to the artist's book "Lebenslinien - Franziska de Paly - 1879-1964":

link: To the mail address

Further editions of Book Art Worlds under Downloads


Issue 03/2022 "Menschengesang"

"Menschengesang", is my new artist book.

Why do humans sing? This is the initial question for my new artist's book "Menschengesang".

With my artistic work I have tried to approach this question. The answers are probably as different as there are people. Some are almost the same. Nevertheless, human song moves the hearts of the performers as well as those of the listeners.

Walk with me a little way down this path into the realm of music.

Link: Download the free magazine "Buchkunstwelten"

link: To the mail address

Further editions of Book Art Worlds under Downloads


Issue 03/2022 "La Danza".


La Danza

"La Danza", the dance, is the title of my new artist's book. "La Danza" reminds me of a bar in Baveno that used to be right on the shore of Lake Maggiore. 
My wife and I danced there very passionately and enjoyed the play of lights on the waves of the lake.

Get involved in a book of dance.

Link: Download the free magazine "Buchkunstwelten"

link: To the mail address

Further editions of Book Art Worlds under Downloads